Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The beginning of a new avenue...

Hello and welcome to my blog. I'll start by introducing myself....

My name is Leah, as you can tell I am free as the wind in the summer evening, and I'll soar like a bird if you let me. I love travel and adventure, it's my life's purpose. I enjoy learning new things, some of my interests are photography, art/painting, writing (I love poetry), nature, and being active.

Currently we are living in a 30ft RV, it's myself, mom, dad, and Joshua. (Joshua and I are both homeschooled.) I also have two older brothers- John, who is in the Navy, and is currently going to school in California. and Robert, who is living in Wisconsin with his fiancee and their recently born son. I was raised in the Midwest, and spent almost my entire childhood in Wisconsin until we decided to pack up and move down south. Four years later and after moving three times, we're hitting the road. Currently stationed in the New River Valley in Virginia, we're starting our adventure of traveling the United States.

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