Friday, March 8, 2013

Hello Florida

We've finally settled into the Rock Crusher RV Park here in Florida. This campground has 500 campers, and honestly it's the biggest campground I've ever been to.

At first it's pretty intimidating, and even one lap around the campground is well over a mile in distance.
But it didn't take me long to become familiar with everything, and it's pretty cool because they even have a playground, club house, pool, and an area with horseshoes, ect.
Not to mention you get cable tv included in your rent... (win!)

My aunt is finally out of the hospital, but she's been placed in a nursing home for the time being. It took over an hour to drive down to see her... my mother spent the afternoon with my aunt while Joshua, Dad, and I all went to the beach for awhile.

I loved the beach, granted it wasn't that big, there was several guys out in the water. I believe it is call wave surfing? I don't know what it's considered, but it was pretty cool. Also dad bought Joshua & I some snacks at the gas station. I got organic mango chips and my favorite - peace tea! I loved visiting with my aunt, but I was honestly glad to finally get home after a long tiring day.

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