Thursday, January 31, 2013

Alligators in the Wild

For me, it's become a very common sight to see Alligators in the wild. In fact, I'm seeing them on almost a daily basis. Today in particular I rode my bike down the road a few miles over to the hidden lake way back into the woods. While the weather is nice, the little ones have been poking their heads out the water. Today I saw four young ones!

Don't worry, I keep my distance and they keep theirs! I've noticed here there is the biggest alligator, who must be the dominant male. Some smaller adults, and then the few young alligators. I think it is very fascinating to observe them, and it's cool because most people don't get this opportunity.

Along with the alligators, this lake is home to many species of bird and water turtles. I don't get close enough to the water to see if there is any fish, but it's possible they live here, too.

I often wonder how old these guys are, and how long they've been living in this lake. Studies show they can live up to 50 years in the wild, that's a long time for an animal!

These fellas' are generally pretty chill, I've noticed they just love hanging out and basking in the sunlight. It's pretty cool.

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