Monday, December 24, 2012

Jekyll Island, Georgia

It was a Monday, and on this Monday in particular we had nothing planned. Nowhere to go, nothing to see. So we decided to take a little drive up to Jekyll Island, Georgia. It's not very far from the Campground we are currently staying at, which was nice, because lately I just don't feel like traveling for hoouurrss.

Tracklist while driving: Vanessa Carlton - Carousel (album)

It was cloudy and we feared rain, but it was still a nice day :) We had a lovely lunch at the picnic shelter, and we found TONS and TONS of sand dollars, it was so insane, I've never seen so many sand dollars in my life! We also found some super cool other things, such as weird crabs and even dead sting rays.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

the woods are my home

I love wandering, and it drives my parents insane (for the most part).
I pack my backpack with my camera, notebook, book, and snacks, and I just go.

Obviously if there is a no-trespassing sign, I back away, but otherwise I just wander.

There is a road right outside the campground, and I noticed a patch of woods on the other side.

I checked google maps first, just to get a general idea of the area, and then I went off. I just wandered in these woods for awhile, and let me tell you, it was the best thing ever.

The ground was covered in pine needles, making the ground so soft with every step.
Sounds of birds echoed throughout the woods.
Trees filled the landscape, going on for what seemed like miles.
I noticed mushrooms at my feet, I even found a toad.
And, it didn't take me long to realize there is a small creek running through the woods, which was super awesome.
Simple things like this, make me so incredibly happy.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Jacksonville Beach, FL

Today we drove over to Jacksonville Beach, Florida to do a little sight seeing :)

And, to have a nice picnic on the beach! Hmm it was a pretty interesting day, Joshua and I found tons of cool things on the beach.

Such as dead jelly fish, and even alive jelly fish! This was pretty cool for us, because we've never seen anything like that at the beach before.

We did some sight-seeing around the downtown Neptune Beach / Jacksonville Beach. I honestly couldn't tell you where exactly we were at, because sometimes when it comes down to that stuff I am so lost. There were all theses cool statues and interesting things!

So anyways, here is a picture spam:
Because you all know how I love to take pictures!

some random dude I don't even know

the unknown dude again,
he's got some rad moves

Sunday, December 16, 2012


I love taking pictures of food, 
and tonight was the potluck
so alas
here is my food

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

things that make me happy

I can be a happy person, at times, but as of lately I've been suffering through a rather suffocating depression that I'm just wallowing in. My heart ceases to beat and my stomach is filled with pains. I forgot how to smile.

But at least I try, (sometimes)

And then I find things like this

and if the last picture doesn't make sense, 
it makes me happy because I found my bibbers in my closet :D

Monday, December 10, 2012

Kathrine Abbey Hanna Park, FL

Today we went to Kathrine Abbey Hanna Park in Jacksonville, Florida. :)

I was suuuppper excited for today, just because it was so nice to get out of the camper and go for a little drive.

The park has several large lakes, along with beach access to the ocean, yay!

It is currently the 'off-season' here in Florida, therefore the kayaking and boat rentals weren't available today, but we had fun walking around the trails and eating a picnic lunch!

I've seen alligators in aquariums and at the zoo before, but I've never actually saw an alligator in the wild before!

Not until today, at least. I ended up wandering on my own for a bit, I tend to go at a slower pace than the rest of my family, considering I'm always stopping to take pictures of flowers, or something another that catches my eye.

So anyways, here I am walking down a path, and there are some people not far from me, one of them suddenly says, "do you see the alligator?" I walk faster over towards them, only to look over and see a gigantic alligator just hanging out on a log. I pretty much freaked -

my heart was racing, pounding out of my chest even. I felt so nervous and yet excited,
I was shaking all over. I ran back to find my family and I shown them the alligator as well, it was pretty awesome :)

Afterwards, we even saw an armadillo!!

Later on we drove over to the beach, and spent a few hours walking along the shoreline.

That's where we saw a group of dolphins! It was so amazing, I've never seen this many wild animals so up close before now!! :)

I didn't get a picture of the dolphins, by then it was getting clouded and dark and it started raining, so we had to leave.

I had such an awesome day, I really loved this park and I hope we come back here again sometime!

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Something I like about this campground: how completely Australian it is. Example- the bathhouse...

Also - Christmas lights!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

around' the campground

I decided to take some pictures around the campground :)

For about the past week or so we've stayed home, in the camper. We're trying to save money, considering we spent a lot of what we had saved on our trip down here.

chicken coop and duck

Upon moving here I was pretty stocked that they had a playground. Granted I'm a little too big for it...

karaoke at the clubhouse

small pond across the strees


Monday, December 3, 2012

Hair Dyed!

Soooo, I ended up dying my hair again to day. The rich auburn shade I was looking for, somehow turned into a deep red? Not sure why that happened,

 but I guess it's alright :)