Sunday, December 2, 2012

Weekly Campground Potluck

At the Walk A' Bout campground, they have a Sunday Potluck every week. Everyone brings food, a dish or some kind of dessert. (we usually bring one of each!) I think it's a great way to meet everyone here, especially because this campground in particular doesn't have a lot of permanent residents.
what is left of the food,
most of it is already gone!

There is about seven of us in the campground who will be living here, but the rest of the campground spots are for people that just come and go. Most of who you meet, you never do see again.

The owners of the campground, Suze and Troy, have four kids around Joshua & my age, also this weekend a few other kids were camping here with their grandparents. So after eating some dinner, we all went outside a played tag in the dark! It was a lot of fun :)

I thought this was pretty awesome, because I've never been to a campground before that does weekly potlucks such as this!

I wonder if other places do the same....

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