Monday, August 20, 2012

Kayaking on the New River

I'm an adventurer and I love anything that gets my heart rate moving, so when my dad said we're taking the afternoon to go kayaking on the river? I was absolutely thrilled. :) Of course, the kayaks weren't our own, my aunt lent them to us for the time being. We got up reealllyy early that morning and headed over to Radford, Virginia. My mother and brother dropped my dad & I off, and they met us about 5+ miles down the river.

I was pretty excited because this was my first time kayaking on the river!

It was interesting going over shallow parts in the river, especially because you could see all kinds of fish and water-grass.

I'd say we spent at least two hours kayaking, and it was a blast. I got to see big birds - such as heron - that I've never gotten to see up close before.
I also noticed numerous turtles, and certain areas where an entire flock of birds had sat on some rocks. They were spreading their wings, letting the morning sun warm their feathers.

We did struggle at a few points, such as when I got stuck in the rapids.

I tried to paddle fast as we kayaked over them, but I ended up getting stuck on a rock! It was really scary, especially with all the rushing water around me.

I was really nervous, but luckily dad  and I used teamwork and we were able to continue downstream.

Right near the end, dark clouds covered the sky and it started pouring down rain, but by the time we got to the shoreline (where mom & Joshua were waiting for us) the sun came back out :)

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