Friday, August 17, 2012

Sleepover at the Library

For the end of the Summer Reading Program at the library, they held a Sleepover (from 8pm-8am) at the library!
"Shake your Booty"

Myself, and my friend Meghann volunteered to help out with all the nights activities (and of course, to participate as well!)

In total, 51 people spent the night at the library. Of course, that number does include some parents, considering some of the younger kids needed a guardian there as well.

I haven't had this much fun in a long time! The library had a room called "the movie room" which is where they had a non-stop reel of movies playing all night - this is where the snacks and most the kids hung out in.

In the 'teen section' of the library was a video game center (the place my brother hung out for the majority of the night.) and spread out through the library was even craft tables and games!
one of the games. the objective is to try and throw
cheese puffs on your partners head.

If you thought all that wasn't enough, we even had an "Olympics"! playing different games/events during the night, sigh as "CUPPONG" or "Angry Birds". At the end of the Olympics, the kiddos with the highest scores got little awards.

Craft table

real life angry birds!
At the end of the night, once most of the other kids went to bed, Meghann, myself, and a few other kids decided to have a game of hide-and-seek in the dark library. It was literally a dream come true.

Having freedom in the library to run around and scream was exhilarating, I loved having the opportunity to help out and also be involved in the fun as well!


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