Saturday, September 15, 2012

International Dinner - Brazil

Once a month, a local homeschool family will host an International Dinner / Potluck. Each month has a different theme as well, and for September it was Brazil! The kids learn about the culture, fun facts and traditions of that country.

And each family who attends will make a traditional meal of that country to bring for the potluck. We made a delicious rice dish that I was very excited for! Everyone will grab a plate, and sometimes before or after food the kids will put on a presentation about that country and such.

Usually afterwards the adults get to chatting and the kids wander off outside! Sadly, I did not get any pictures of the food, but I got pictures of some of the kids playing a game on the trampoline!

By the time the night was over, about 8 families showed up and there was at least 14+ kids!

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