Friday, November 30, 2012

Exploring GA

I wanted to share some pictures from our first adventure in Georgia. It was kind of a slow day and we didn't have much planned, honestly, all of us are still pretty exhausted from those few weeks of eventful traveling we had.

Today we just stopped around Historic St. Mary's Georgia. We drove around the area, trying to figure out where everything was, and we ended up taking a wrong turn and driving into Florida! So, the first time we went to Florida, was by a complete mistake, haha :)

I loved being in downtown St. Mary's, it has such a nice vibe there, and I loved all of the historic beautiful buildings and architecture :)

at the marina, st mary's ga.
back home, at the board walk

Walk A' Bout Campground, Woodbine GA

Finally, we've settled into Woodbine, Georgia. Not too far from the Florida line, we're staying in a really nice family-friendly campground for the time being. I have no idea how long we'll be staying here, but at least it got us further south. Because the camper has so many issues, it tends to overheat really bad after going to many miles, and plus dad is worried about it breaking down (again) we tried our best not to over-work the camper.

playground & basketball court,
right across from our camper!
I'm not sure if I like it here in Georgia or not... it's definitely different... but maybe it's a good kind of different. The people here are pretty awesome! The owners of the campground are actually from Australia! :)

Also, I'm pretty excited because we are RIGHT next to the crooked river (that is actually ocean fed water!) the campground has access right to the river, with a board walk and everything. Pretty cool, right?

I'll post more about the campground later, I'm off to explore the area!
Happy Travels to my fellow camping friends.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Almost to our Destination

Whoop, whoop! We have almost, finally, made it to our more permanent destination of Woodbine, Georgia!

And here is a picture of me trying to maintain my sanity whilst driving for so many hours. I also discovered I can do this with a pen. 

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Hunting Island, SC

This morning, our parents didn't even tell us where we were going... it was a surprise! Granted it wasn't anything special, it was still an awesome day.

We drove over to Hunting Island State Park, South Carolina!

And I was realllyyy excited about going here because on Hunting Island, there is a lighthouse! I love lighthouses, but I've never seen on in person before.
I was so happy! We packed a lunch for the day and arrived to the state park early in the morning. I was amazed at how beautiful this place is - driving through the state park looks like a jungle - I wouldn't have been surprised if a monkey flung out from behind the trees... I've never seen so many palm trees before!

We walked around various trails until we arrived at the beach! :) We made it over to the lighthouse, but sadly, because there was construction going on inside, you weren't allowed to enter :(
I was rather upset about that, but we still got to go inside the lighthouse museum... that was pretty cool!

After exploring the beach for awhile, we stopped and ate some lunch. I was glad, too, because by then I was starving! I liked it here... both the water and sky were so blue today.
Too bad it was cold outside, or else I would have put my feet in the water :)

Joshua and I had a fun time exploring the small island, it was a great day and we all had so much fun! Afterwards we drove through some of the old historic landmarks of the area... I had no idea South Carolina was so pretty!

Camping in SC

Yes, another day of traveling, but luckily the hours were short and we didn't have long to go. We ended up in Yemasesse, South Carolina.

I have to say, out of all the campgrounds I've stayed in, I love this one! All of the campers and campsites are hidden within a fast forest of trees. It was too cold to go swimming in the pool, but it was still decently warm outside.

For dinner we ordered Pizza from the KOA's pizzaria, and afterwards we all went for a walk around the lake that is here in the campground. It's off wayyy far in the woods, but the hike was very nice and I really enjoy all of the walking trails :) It's nice to get active after sitting for so long.

Friday, November 23, 2012

KOA Campground

You have no idea how glad I was to finally make it to the campground in SC, I was so tired!! But that didn't stop Joshua & I from running around outside, I love exploring new places and it was great to get out and ride my bike around.

This campground even had a game room - sweet! The boy and I played a few rounds of air hockey before we headed over to the playground, where they had some sort of bouncy thing... I don't even know what you'd call it, but it was pretty awesome!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

the open road is my home

It was time - we finally began traveling once more, and this time, it was in the camper. I was both anxious and excited...

Our first destination was a KOA right near Fort Mill, South Carolina.
my lunch... i love these things

We spent several hours trying to make it through North Carolina... we stopped on occasion, such as to eat lunch, but then we fired up the engine and kept heading on down the road.

I was excited to enter South Carolina, especially because I haven't been here before, I didn't quite know what to expect! But to be honest, it wasn't all that much different from NC :)

So that concludes our first day of driving - not anything to exciting, as it was, mostly just trying to get to our destination.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Family Pictures

we've all changed so much this past year, so I wanted to share some recent family pictures that we (finally!) got around to taking. Of course we just had to stop by the state park on this glorious fall afternoon, granted we just had a tripod and the camera set to timer, I think they turned out alright :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Creativity Project Film Festival

During my time with the "creativity project" - the homeschool class that took place once a week - we completed two short films. The Wizard of Odd, and Zombie Xing. But that isn't the only thing we did! Ginger, Julie, and Susan, the moms responsible for this awesome opportunity, put together a "Movie Premier / Film Festival" at the local theatre. 

I have to say, I was extremely surprised at the outcome of people, there was at least fifty people sitting in the audience, if not more. We started off by playing some cartoons, and then after those were over, Ginger got on stage and spoke about the event and the films being shown tonight. Afterwards, all the kids got to walk across the 'red carpet' along the stage while everyone clapped and cheered. 

Here is a little description I found for both films - "The first short film, The Wizard of Odd, is an all ages modern parody of the classic film. The familiar characters have been re-imagined as their mirror opposites which creates a series of strange and funny new dilemmas. The second film, Zombie Xing, is a suspenseful but humorous "thriller" in which a group of young zombies invade an unsuspecting neighborhood."

I love both films greatly, but I have to say, Zombie Xing was pretty funny! (even if I did help out with it, haha)  

At the end of the night there was a surprise, we all gathered on stage once more, and the moms / leaders of the group arranged little 'Oscars' for all of us. Granted they were plastic, it was still very awesome! Our names were even engraved in them!!
I was really glad to be apart of the experience, even if I did miss the first couple months of filming, I was glad to help out with the rest of shooting and editing!
The next day I was even more surprised to see my picture in The Roanoke Times newspaper, how cool!

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I haven't cut a drastic amount of hair in over 6 years. I'd only trim maybe an inch off every once in awhile, and quite recently I cut almost 6 inches off my hair. But today I just woke up, and realized it needed to go.

A week before this picture was taken, I cut six inches off,
now, this is a picture of my hair yesterday.

and here is my haircut!

Ahhh! Big difference!! But I am sooooo happy :) :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012


Here are some random panoramic pictures I've taken recently:

Virginia is kind of dead this time of year. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

16th time around the sun

So, it was my 16th birthday today, and I guess I was pretty excited about it.

At first it was rather depressing and I didn't want this day to occur, but I managed to put a smile on my face and enjoy the day.
I baked brownies & spent my entire day in the blue ridge mountains. I hopped the fence across the road and I wandered around fields and chasing cows.
It was actually alot of fun :)

Not the birthday I had in mind, because unfortunately things didn't turn out the way I wanted to, but ah well. I don't need a sweet-sixteen.